At this point in the summer, things are always a little too lush and overgrown, the plants straggling from their pots, everything a little wilty. Wisconsin was just as hot as here, but pine tree laden and sandy as always. Saw some deer, bought some cheese. Thankfully, since I have to go back to the city, I'll be spared the camping trip in a couple weeks. Already I am antsy for fall.

I've been writing new stuff the last couple of days which I will post soon. Always hard to get the engine turning again after a few weeks of slacking. I did read that the megascript...aka feign...aka the fever a finalist in the Three Candles Book Prize. (yeah!!) though spotting the name of one of Columbia's faculty at the top of the list doesn't help my chances of winning (or a couple of other great poets whose work I'm a bit familiar with.) Still, I live in hope...The damn thing is out to like seven other contests, plus a couple presses, all in various versions. Something has to happen, right?


Brandi said…
Congratulations on being a finalist! That's wonderful :)
Suzanne said…
Yahoooo! Congrats, Kristy!!
youki said…
hey lady--

Is "fever almanac" your book title? If so, I really like it. "Feign" is good too.

Congrats and good luck!!

Your "final night" poem is lovely-luscious, particularly "this isn't a porno"; "this one tastes like Americana"; and "her breath all orange crush and flicker."

kristy bowen said…
thanks to you all for the congrats and encouragement..

I vascillate back and forth on the titles daily...It was initially two different books, but I wound up braiding the poems together, keeping the structure of the first book, the fever almanac and the title of the second, feign. Initially the first was itself a combination of two separately conceived projects...almanac and fever poems. Who knows what I may be calling it tomorrow..