The new very summery issue of wicked alice is up and running, including work by Maurice Oliver, Arlene Ang, Jayne Pupek, Jaymi Heimbuch and others....also, some artwork by moi. Amazingly, finished on time.

In addition, the 2005 print issue is now available, featuring work by Rebecca Loudon, Arlene Ang, Theresa Boyar, Simone Muench, Christopher Barnes, Amanda Porter, Jenn Morea, Nissa Holtkamp, Jeremy Gardner, Lisa Zaran, Lightsey Darst, Jenny Sadre-Orafai, Julie Parson-Nesbit, Taylor Graham, Alex Stolis, Catherine Daly, Alyson Dayus, Lucy Anderton, Melissa Severin, Jalina Mhyana, Christina McNish, Maggie Lopez, and Dorothy Doyle Mienko.
Contributors copies will be in the mail shortly....


Radish King saidā€¦
Very excited about this. I love Wicked Alice. I put a link on my blog to this.