Today, I managed to get all the last minute edits done on both the Graham chapbook and the Wicked Alice print annual. Should be able to get at least the chapbook printed this weekend. Since I'll have less downtime to work on publishing stuff at work when I'm working the summer's earlier shift, it's a relief to have it all done now. The covers look awesome as well, not too shabby for my limited design skills. Of course, next thing you know I have to start working on the summer wicked alice. I've gotten alot of work and haven't even begun to weed through it. But that's something I can put off for a couple more weeks.
In the mail this afternoon, Suzanne Frischkorn's chapbook Red Paper Flower (Little Poem Press) and I read it twice through on the way to work ...amazing poems, some both beautiful and chilling at the same time.
In the mail this afternoon, Suzanne Frischkorn's chapbook Red Paper Flower (Little Poem Press) and I read it twice through on the way to work ...amazing poems, some both beautiful and chilling at the same time.