Sunday, May 16, 2021

notes & things 5/15/2021

 In Chicago, with the wind out of the east and off the lake, we are still waiting for warm weather, but the days are bright and clear and have the possibility of being nice at least. Friday. I managed to break my phone screen on the way to work, so am feeling a little bit more out of touch than usual. I keep opening windows and shutting them when it gets chilly, and alternating that loveliness with the space heater. Becuase the world feels a little better, at least immediately, I woke up well after noon thinking of projects and plans and not dreading the news, so it's something.  

I am also, courtesy of vacation days I haven't had time to use the past two years, taking every Mon & Tues. off, which will give me only 3 day weeks at the library. These glorious long weekends will allow me to use the time more usefully (a long stretch would be nice, but I am not yet ready to travel, nor am I that productive with long stretches.) I have many creative projects and press work to keep me occupied, as well as some home things that have needed tending to.  And this Monday, my taxes to take care of.  This may be a big fail if I'm feeling overwhelmed at work because of the shorter weeks, but lesser ILL flow and nothing afoot programming wise except planning for fall looks fortuitous.   So summer, and just perhaps a real one this year with the beaches open and the possibility of DOING things in a way we haven't been able to for awhile. Or at least enjoying the things already safe to be doing (like thrifting) because I'm in the headspace to enjoy things again. 

One thing I've gotten back since giving up the studio space is to be able to go home earlier at night and enjoy my ride home along the lakefront (when it's not just pitch blackness.) This was one of my fave things about earlier closes at the Library in summer time in my early years in Chicago, but when I was putting in hours in the Fine Arts, I gave up that extra daylight. I have occasional moments of wishing I didn't have to be constantly moving cats off my projects and book assembly that a separate workspace would afford, but mostly, moving the operation home was the best decision, especially in light of the past year.  I definitely slowed things down during covid, but I would have had to shut down completely during the full lockdown if I'd kept the space, nor could I afford it even with a slight downturn in business.

I also feel calmer and more focused with everything in one place in terms of equipment and supplies, which has been important in a year when my mental health has been rockier. I might not always have been able to create, but knowing I could when so moved, with everything  at hand, gave me some comfort. There is less room, and I certainly have to put things away less they be covered in cat hair (ie no more piles of paper shavings building up on the floor) but overall it's been great. I feel like the return of fairer weather in my mind will make this a productive summer that was sort of stolen last year by the pandemic.  

 June's zine offering, after a little bit of prep, may just be the unusual creatures box project if all goes well.  I have all the raw materials, so it's a matter of pulling it together.  It certainly the thing longest in the incubator and with the most switching gears, but I am looking forward to crossing it off the list.  I've also been experimenting with some simple animations for another project (see a couple posts back.) So stay tuned for more on that...

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