I've been doing a few cover designs from scratch for a couple recent books and some upcoming titles. It's one of my favorite things about running the press, choosing or creating artwork, paper, cardstock, for each book. We also have an amazing arsenal of artists we have wrangled into producing amazing designs letting us use their art (sometimes even the author themselves.)
I am excited about a couple of recent designs of a more simple nature that I pulled together myself..(I am also workingon a couple of things that are collage pieces for upcoming books, which I will reveal very soon..)
We are amazingly on the verge of being caught up on all of our 2012 titles and moving into the 2013 roster (I am hesitant to say that too loud since we'll probably fall behind at some point, but right now, we are awash in several mid-production projects. Incidently, We are also hosting another book give away at the FB page in honor of our 800th "like", so check it out..
I am excited about a couple of recent designs of a more simple nature that I pulled together myself..(I am also workingon a couple of things that are collage pieces for upcoming books, which I will reveal very soon..)
We are amazingly on the verge of being caught up on all of our 2012 titles and moving into the 2013 roster (I am hesitant to say that too loud since we'll probably fall behind at some point, but right now, we are awash in several mid-production projects. Incidently, We are also hosting another book give away at the FB page in honor of our 800th "like", so check it out..