

Poor Mouth Writers Series, 2021
Pretty Owl Poetry Release, White Whale Bookstore, 2021
Open Door Reading Series, Poetry Foundation, 2021
Poets in the Field, Field Museum of Natural History, 2019
Oddities Reading, Strange Fevers Artists & Scholars Colloquium, Columbia Library, 2019
Breton's Birthday | Surrealist Love Letters, Columbia Library, 2019
Danny's Reading Series, 2018
Wit Rabbit Reading Series, 2017
Written on the Body Reading, Columbia College Library, 2017
Poetry Center of Chicago |  Hands on Stanza Benefit, 2017
City Lit Books, 2017
The Mystical and the Magical:  Women Writing the Metaphysical Worlds, NOLA Poetry Festival , 2017.
FOUND Reading, HOAX! Week, Columbia College Library, 2017
Aesthetics of Research Salon Series, Columbia College Library, 2016
Women & Children First, 2015 
Kettle Blue Review issue release, Powellā€™s Bookstore, 2015
major characters in minor films release, Quimbyā€™s, 2015 
Poetry Center of Chicago, Six Points Reading Series, 2014
Red Rover Series, 2014 
WomanMade Gallery, 2014 
Ladies Night, AWP 2014, Seattle . 
Women Writing Resistance Anthology Reading, Seattle AWP 2014. 
Poetry and Beer, Revolution Brewery, 2013 
Chicago State University, Lunchtime Reading Series, 2013
W4tB, Jackā€™s Tap, 2013
Uncharted Books, 2013
Headless: A Body Of Text Based Performers, 2013
First Friday Series, Studio B, 2012
Poets Who Open Doors, WomanMade Gallery,2012
Sundress Publications AWP Reading, Beauty Bar, 2012
Fifth Wednesday Release, The Book Cellar, 2012
Waiting 4 the Bus, CafƩ Ballou, 2011
Chicago Calling, Myopic Books, 2010
Beyond Audubon, WomanMade Gallery, 2010
Chicago Calling, Epiphany Church, 2009
Waiting 4 the Bus, Jaks Tap, 2009
Red Rover Series, Links Hall, AWP 2009
Orange Alert Series, The Whistler, 2009
Lewis University, 2009
Bookslut Reading Series. The Hopleaf, 2009
@ the CafƩ, 2009
Rhino Series, Brothers K Coffeehouse, 2009
Woodland Pattern Bookstore, 2009
DePaul Summer Writing Conference, Publishing Panel, 2009
Series A Mini Conference Reading, 2009
Revolving Door Series, Red Kiva, 2009
Rock the Independent Vote, Weeds Tavern, 2009
Open Books , Poetry Panel, 2009
Georgia State University, 2008
Series A, Hyde Park Arts Center, 2008
Tuesday Funk, CafƩ Ennui, 2008
1st Fridays Series, St. Paulā€™s Cultural Center, 2008
In the Bird Museum release party, Quimbyā€™s Bookstore, 2008
U-niverse of Poetry, Uncommon Ground, 2008
Collage Reading, WomanMade Gallery, 2007
MFA Reading, Columbia College, 2007
Columbia Poetry Review Reading, Columbia College, 2007
Lewis University, 2007
Fictional Characters, Lilstreet Gallery, 2007
Myopic Books, 2006
Rhino Release, Evanston Arts Center, 2006
Poetry on the Web Workshop, Chicago Public Library, 2006
DvA Gallery, Battle of the Sexes, 2006
Molly Malones Series, 2006
Poetry Center of Chicago, 2004


Poetry & the Web, Chicago Public Library Poetry Fest, 2005
Poetry & the Visual Arts, Georgia State University, 2008

PAST ART WORKSHOPS (@ Columbia College Library)

Art and Propaganda 
A Brief History of Zines / Zine Making
Zines in the Classroom
Bookwrecking: Collage
All Things Ink
Junk Art, Found Art & Upcycling
Bookwrecking:  Altered Books
Nature Printmaking
Monthly Zinemaking 
Vintage Photo Transfer
Printmaking for the Faint-Hearted
Household Printmaking
DIY Collage Pendants
April Showers, Paper Flowers
Paper Quilling


Future Tense  Imagined Words from the Margins, Columbia College Library, 2020
Lethal Ladies:  The Women of True Crime, Columbia College Library, 2019
Spooky Little Girls, Strange Fevers Artists & Scholars Colloquium, Columbia College Library, 2019
Forging Your Tiny Lit Empire, Columbia College Library, 2019
On & Off the Walls, Moderator, Columbia College Library, 2018
Building Your Art Empire, Moderator, Columbia College Library, 2018
Art on the Cheap, Moderator, Columbia College Library, 2017
Power and Page Count :  Publishing the Other Gender,  AWP-Seattle, 2014
From Litmag to Chapbook Press: Championing the Handmade in the Digital Morass, AWP-Chicago, 2012.
Publishing Chapbooks and Books, DePaul Summer Writing Conference, 2009
Poetry Writing, Open Books Grand Opening, 2009


Bad Art: Kitsch, Camp, and Craft, 
Columbia College Library  (Fall 2021)
Urban Legends: from playground lore to cultural norms,  Columbia College Library  (Spring 2021)
Future Tense:  Imagined Worlds from the Margins (Spring 2020)
Lethal Ladies, Columbia College Library (Fall 2019)
Strange Fevers, Columbia College Library (Spring 2019)
Beautiful Monstrosities, Columbia College Library (Fall 2018)
Dark Forest,  Columbia College Library Book to Art Club, (Summer 2018)
Tattoo:  Ink, Art & Object, Aesthetics of Research (Fall 2017)
Tiki Madness, Aesthetics of Research, (Summer 2017)
My Bloody Valentine, The Aesthetics of Research (Winter 2017)
Krampuslauf, Elgin Arts Studio (December 2016)
Words|Matter, Art on Elston (October 2016)
Ballyhoo:  Beasts, Broads and the Bizarre, Aesthetics of Research (Summer 2016)
Thrifstore Redux, Aesthetics of Research (Spring 2016)
Creepy Curiosities, Aesthetics of Research (Fall 2015)
Words|Matter, Art on Elston (October 2015)
alumni on 5, Columbia College (fall 2015) 
Art of Library, Columbia College Library, (2003-Ongoing)
Aesthetics of Research Series 1, Columbia College (2014)
alumni on 5, Columbia College (fall 2012) 
WomanMade Gallery, Underground (2011)
Convergence Project, Vespine Gallery, (2008)
Papercuts & Gluesticks Gallery (2008)
Unlikely Stories 2.0 (2006)
WomanMade Gallery, Secret Places, Sacred Spaces (2005)
