botanical geekery
As I've mentioned previously, I am madly in love with floral tattoos, despite not, you know, actually having any tattoo whatsoever. For the past couple years, after trying out some temporary designs, I've been aiming to tale the plunge and get a floral, specifically a peony design, on my inside shoulder or on my forearm. I waffled back and forth and also over whether I wanted a black & white line at look or color. Of course, I had in no way enough spare funds to spend on it, so recently, due to be a very good good girl when it comes to avoiding takeout and delivery and switching to a cheaper wifi provider, I had a little extra change and decided that would be my birthday gift to myself. As I got closer, I kind of started to freak out--minimally about the pain & the permanence, but more about the anxiety of having to sit still long enough to get it. Because I didn't want to enter year 45 stressed out over something entirely optional, I decided to table the idea for the time being. I subsequently gifted myself both a set of ikea flat-file drawers for the studio I'd been coveting and a Cricut machine with the money I'd been saving as such---both excellent alternatives and more useful than ink on skin.
I also, since I actually DO want a tattoo, but maybe just not to, you know, have to GET a tattoo, decided to buy some cute temporaries to tide me over until I'm of sounder mind about it. I really digging how gorgeous they are and the variation of the flowers--peonies, roses, poppies, and the most gorgeous hibiscus flowers at the moment, even if they are usually gone in a couple days. More like jewelry I suppose than actual tattoos. I'm also intrigued by the possibility of making my own designs (for me and maybe to sell in the shop.) Apparently, all I may need is tattoo paper and an ink jet printer, so we'll experiment with that at some point.