Tuesday, March 25, 2008
My flea market prowling over the weekend turned up a couple of really cool things like this martini shaker set and some lovely dishes, as well as an antique washboard I'm keeping for myself. Of course, I also seem to have found a weird coughy illness which was no doubt aggravated by dustiness and dry air. And here I was priding myself on an entire winter of being cold-free. (I'm convinced it has something to do with not being in grad school any longer.) But then I have a record of being sick over easter. Since it's spring break and I'm not quite so needed at work this week, I decided to stay away from work today but I'll no doubt be heading over to the studio a bit later as I'm feeling a bit better and there is really just way too much to do before the end of the month to even think of taking a day off...