notes & things | 10/1/2023
This weekend included a jaunt out to Rockford--old movies and terrible new ones, some edibles, and a mini-golf outing under a giant moon (at which point I think I overestimated my mini-golfing abilities on said edibles and wound up just hanging more than playing.) The hotel had a beautiful view of the highway and the steady thrum of trucks, but it had a strangely comfortable bed for a sufficient bargain. We have somehow reached October, though the temperatures and clear, bright sun tell a different tale the past few days.
I am working on plotting "31 Days of Halloween" social media content tonight for a good chunk of the month. I'll be sharing bits and pieces both old and new from my spookier work (which is of course most of it--either intentionally or no.) Some new bits will be coming this way in terms of more video poems, some spooky reels and artwork some new publications, at least one new zine, and maybe some news regarding upcoming things on the way. While a couple new poems have wriggled their way out of the ground, I am still not back to full productivity, but October can sometimes be a fruitful time even with the landscape dying off and folding in for the winter. November is never particularly kind to me, as the last few years have attested, so I am determined to enjoy thoroughly what comes before it.
October does mean horror movies in abundance and we're starting tonight with one of my favorites that J has not seen--Trick R Treat. Later this week, we hope to catch a 50-year anniversary screening of The Exorcist which seems chronologically impossible, and yet there it is. We'll be seeing the new one at the drive-in mid-month, when we plan to scrounge up enough blankets and hot beverages to weather the double feature, which includes the original Nightmare on Elm Street--a movie I saw first on VHS as a kid. There are also ballets and new releases, and a haunted soiree set for Halloween that I landed tickets for last week at the Museum of Surgical Science to round out the end of the month.