doomscrolling 2020
Still on the surface, it's pretty much looks like any other summer. --the Library and irs ordinary tasks--reserves and ILL and planning for fall. Breakfast and daily writing and commuting downtown. Making books in the hours after I get home (the only change there is not being in the studio at night.). Dinner. Some exercize on my recumbent bike. Netflix. Sleep. I wear a mask when I go out, but am still working my way through my summer wardrobe of sundresses, which I finally pulled out from the bins under the bed this weekend.
Scratch the surface and there is much to be worried out. The virus burning through the southern states who still won't take it seriously, despite packed hospitals and mounting death tolls. An uptick in Chicago cases. The scary things our government does and hides (sometimes in plain site.) lor just tries to pretend isn't happening. I read an article earlier today on "doomscrolling" and indeed, I am perpetually guilty of it. There were a couple days last week that just got really busy in terms of work and focusing on other things and i realized I was feeling mentally better. Now, I realize I wasn't looking at the news so much over those couple days. Over the weekend, I got really excited and engaged in playing with video again and realized almost a whole day had passed without me doing the doomscroll. I'm feeling a tension between wanting (needing) to know what's going on and knowing too much and at length. Particularly when it comes to things, like the virus, I can't really control on a national scale. I'm having a hard time figuring out how much is too much.