notes & things | 7/21/2018

Another summer weekend, this one beginning with a few too many whiskey & cokes at the swank Chicago Athletic Club Bar--a beautiful building with all sorts of architectural treasures and sort of like drinking in an old library, (so much so that one website recommended it as an excellent place to write.) It's been rainy and cooler all day, and I've been going back and forth in tandem between working on a library-related piece of writing, a manuscript critique, and some Slender Man pieces. Between what has been going on on the homefront at my dad's house (a new driveway to replace the shared one that will hopefully quell a series of threats and harassment endured by a neighbor) and a purging of some toxicity on other fronts, things are feeling momentarily sensible and sane in a way they have not been in 3-4 years.
In the studio, I am plunging through a few larger author copy orders and getting ready to start reading some submissions for next year, as well as start a slew of late summer releases due around the bend. I've been steadily working toward being more timely getting regular out, realizing so much has fallen into the hole of the past 6-7 months. The problem lying in that as soon as I get current, the months I spent getting current are now, themselves, behind. I am now working through the spring orders that fell behind while I was working on the winter ones. And that, of course, means summer ones will fall behind as well, but I'll keep chugging toward some mythical day when I will be caught up, or at least less behind than I am currently. It's actually a good problem to have--too many orders, too much demand for amazing books. But I wish I could get my head above water even just a little.
The Slender Man anthology has morphed back from two potential anthologies to just a single genrally focused one on folklore, but I am still plugging away on my pieces devoted to the Wisconsin stabbing and hoping to get my own little project (perhaps in cahoots with my sister, who is painting on the regular again ). This month's zine offering is almost ready to go and will be shipping in a summer bundle soon.