Today, I will drink coffee with too much sugar and maybe play with paint markers and write some. We had a glorious start to the Gaming Society season yesterday with Old School Board Game (which I didn't get to even play because all the tables and chairs were full--a good problem to have.) We have our first zine night coming up Monday devoted to coloring book zines, and I may be working on a #2 to Botanical Zine series. There are other plans underway, including our Tattoo Exhibit and week of events, the Little Indie Press Festival in late October.
I am adrift on delayed summer dgp titles and will be soon moving into fall, so watch for a scattershot of releases happening in the next couple of weeks. I am also steadily wading in the submission pool and sending out more responses. Writing wise, I am just beginning to type up everything in the Unusual Creatures project notebook. I'm also finishing up the art zine for IN | VERTEBRATE, which is the belated August installment. September's offering will be the trio of Crypto Zines, so keep an eye out for those.