Today's random strangeness comes in the form of these creepy adorable ceramic sculptures from Debra Broz.I just finished the amazing Baggot book so mutations and hybrids are high on the brain, but I love these. (speaking of which I was excited to learn that pt. 2 of the Pure trilogy is due out in February..yay!)

Today started, as many Fridays do, way too early for the final dregs of the week, and continued grumpily onward. However, tonight at 5pm, there was a little more light in the sky, a little more spring in my step. I also arrived at the studio to find that all sorts of good things had arrived including a giant box of paper from Staples, some ink cartridges, some fancy Pilot G-2's, two dozen postcard frames for my tiny paintings, a new summery dress, and my new desk lamp for my work area at home. And I'm facing down a three day weekend which promises to be filled with Tiki bar related fun and my second weekend of kitchen organization tasks (the fridge and microwave cleaning.) I'll have some more images from the postcard paintings next week as I get them framed, as well as a new poemish project to prattle on about..until then...
