This is one of those awful waking up at pre-dawn weeks in which I am cursed into working 9-5, which not only means I have to spend half my day comatose and unproductive (or hell, most of my day) but also have to commute with the herds (aka the great sheeple migration) As such, I am cranky and unfocused and am only now starting to wake up at 1pm.. I have dinner plans later with one of my favorite poetry people later though, and afterward am hoping to squeeze a couple hours in at the studio, but Iā€™m not sure exactly how productive Iā€™ll be. Not to mention I have to go home to get to bed so I can get up and do it all over again tomorrow (Iā€™m not sure how early risers do this everyday without offing themselves in some grisly way.) And of course, this week will be lllloooonnnnggg with the break looming at the end of it. Iā€™m headed to Rockford on Saturday for the usual cookie baking, last minute gift wrapping, and pre-holiday frenzy. Iā€™ve bought absolutely nothing in the gift arena so I should probably get started on that (itā€™s just not Christmas if I donā€™t leave everything to the last possible moment, right?)There are still lots of things to do this week, including sending out some author copies, releasing a couple more 2012 titles (books from Alison Armstrong-Webber, Caroline Klocksiem, and Mary Stone Dockery), and finishing up work on some stuff that will be coming out that first week of January (books from Margaret Hanshaw, Lisa Marie Basile, and Ashley Inguanta). There are a handful of stragglers, but mostly we will be beginning the year pretty much on schedule for the new books (which almost never happens..)It's going to be an awesome year though in terms of getting my own work out and about, with 3 different projects scheduled for release from other presses along with a couple more image-laden projects I'll be releasing myself (radio ocularia and unusual creatures.) The new Noctuary press will be publishing the shared properties of water and stars early in the year, followed by Maverick Duck's release of beautiful, sinisterover the summer, and then, of course, girl show in the fall. I'll probably be doing alot of readings and promotion type stuff this year so it will be a busy one. I've been much better about sending out manuscripts this year, but am still sort of lax on individual poems (which are necessary if I actually want to get people interested in my work, so I need to make more of an effort there in 2013.
