So it is back to the grind after a good weekend full of great readings, gorgeous weddings, and lots and lots of glorious sleep. Not much accomplished in the way of press or shop stuff, but I am pulling doubletime over the early half of this week to get orders out and supplies ordered and readied for when I get back to the city mid next week.

I have some new dgp books set to release very soon and also at least one wicked alice update on it's way over the next couple of days. Otherwise, I am just waiting out the workweek, which ends Wednesday, and then it's off to Rockford for a few days. Despite all that's going one (not one but two TG dinners, belated family birthday dinners, thrifting excusions, trashy Vampire Diaries viewing with my Mom), I'm hoping to put the finishing touch on a writing series I've been playing around with a little for awhile and keep abandoning in favor of other things (well there's actually a few things like that), plus get some more new words down on paper.

I'm not liking the dark though. Riding out to Elmhurst on Saturday night for a friends wedding, I was reminded how depressing the landscape really is this time of year and how dark it gets so early. I think I forget it in the city, where every street and window is so well lit, especially now that the holiday lights are appearing strung on all the fences and trees. The suburbs, though, are filled with these random dark patches that are downright spooky when driving. And I don't even want to think about that creepy country road darkness. I get sort of lost this time of year, those hours between when the sun sets and when it's really feels like night (roughly 4-8pm.) Like I don't quite know what to do with myself. Like it's still technically the afternoon and I'm not really ready to do night sort of things (watching movies, writing, reading, going to bed.)


Cinthia said…
Hi Kristy! It's really dark up here in Alaska, too. It's hard not to feel depressed, hard not to stuff too many pretzels or chocolate bars into my greedy mouth. I know well that itchy feeling of the dark appearing too soon, followed by the inevitable: Wait! I'm not ready for the evening. But the dark is good for writing, when one is actually writing, that is.
Cheers and hope you're filled with good poems.