Yesterday, I woke up to enormous floating snowflakes, or more accurately woke up, burrowed further under the covers, and then fell promptly back to sleep. I tend to sleep even more than usual when things are bothering me, and this last week, there have been alot of fires to put out, alot of fire alarms (the emphasis on "alarm,") general chaos and brewing disontent. The dust has settled and once again I am picking things up, putting them back where they belong, deleting numbers and messages and talking myself into just moving along. December is always a doozie in the drama department and this one is no exception.
Meanwhile I am dreaming of labyrinthian downtown hotels and secret holiday office parties where I wear ridiculous dresses and follow certain uninterested formerly romantic targets around like a hopeful puppy. I'm sure this is all related somehow. This week should actually be pretty quiet at the library, though I am tempted to bring in slightly alcoholic treats (drunken wine-laced fruit salad, gummi bears soaked in vodka) for those of us remaining til Thursday. I am also tempted to relive childhood shool traditions and have everyone make construction paper stockings bedazzled in glitter and cotton balls.