oh, indian summer

We've lucked out on some beautiful mild summerish weather this weekend, which happened to coincide with a planned cookout out at the beach rather nicely, so there was that yesterday, then work today, and I'm about to start one of those endless weeks that has me in the library the next 12 days. (I'm hoping to bank some comp time for around Thanksgiving). I'm already sort of exhausted so we'll see how it goes. I plan to take an easy this week and sleep in a couple days instead of hitting the studio so early, especially since I seem to be coming down with a cold to boot. I did manage to lay out 5 new books this weekend, so those will be on their way shortly, which almost puts me right on schedule for the November books, and hopefully completely caught up by the end of the year (considering I haven't been able to say that since, oh, 2008, it makes me very happy). There are also some new things in the shop I've been holding all summer and seemed to never get them photographed and listed, including rabbit notecards, new flasks, and some wallpaper journals...
And though I am a little tired, I am buoyed by much good poetry stuff, including the acceptance of a manuscript by Black Lawrence Press (who does amazing things), my own little havoc chap project that I will be releasing next month, and the novel in verse thing, that is going swimmingly still and that I've started submitting various bits of around and about.