
I had intended to head down to the studio on Saturday and work on some books, but since I wasnā€™t sure my toner would have arrived, it would have pointless to go all the way downtown if it hadnā€™t. Instead, I stayed home, slept very late, then watched horror movies and wrapped a ton of flasks for the shop in all sorts of pretty japanese papers. I was going to work on some new organza flower hairclips, but realized I couldnā€™t find a sewing needle in the apartment anywhere, odd since I usually stick them in random places so I can easily find them. (which probably means I will find them with my foot at some inopportune time.) Otherwise, there was tea and chocolate and the days were pretty gray. There are rumblings of discontent in the romantic arena though I havenā€™t yet voiced them exactly to the intended party. Today, I cleaned the kitchen within an inch of its life which took most of the afternoon. Tonight I sent off a couple submissions and played with a new poem. I am glad it's going to be March, I am tired of being cold all the time. The lake these days is a wicked, merciless sort of blue.
