Saturday, August 15, 2015

A dog day heat weekend that started inauspiciously with some foiled plans to go to a spooky film screening (in a CEMETERY!!!)  Apparently way more people showed up than they planned, so I actually wound up out at the lake for a night picnic as a rather spectacular summer storm rolled in (that incidentally canceled the film screening mid-way, so it all worked out).  I have decided to spend the weekend mostly painting and maybe writing and drinking coffee in front of a fan and plotting fall projects. Despite my laziness, there are still new pieces up at wicked alice and some new titles under assembly in the studio.  This week's endeavors include some more cover designs, some layouts for dgp, more reserves processing fun for the library, more clues for the ARTCACHE project, preparation for some other Aesthetics programming. Also  ice cream eating, sundress wearing, and squeezing what I can from the remaining weeks of summer before September hits (and it's back to the semesterly grind.)

Thursday, August 06, 2015

So the remainder of July slipped stealthily down the rabbit hole, but I am still here and have not been submerged just yet.  Some personal things (very good things) seem a little surreal & dreamy sometimes, but other endeavors are traipsing along at a  steady clip.  dgp releases and general bookmaking.  Fall plans for The Aesthetics of Research, some of which actually involve poetry.  Library Fall Reserves processing and it's attendant color coded spreadsheets. Reading submissions for next years chap series (though I am holding off making final decisions til I plot out a schedule of sorts.)  Reading submissions for the mermaid anthology, which I am hoping to have finished by November.

I've also been rather intent on home things lately, including making my awesome Alice table and securing a bar cart (because yes, apparently my vices now require furniture of their own.) Also some new vintage chairs and stools for the dining room (since I've hated the ones that came with my table since like forever.)  A clothes hamper,  A tabletop easel.  All things I usually push down the tiny-disposable-income-to-buy list in favor of dresses but I finally bit the bullet.  (well, there may have been at least one dress.)