Tuesday, October 31, 2006

white rabbit

The very late all alice anniversary issue is now--finally--up. Hopefully I caught all the glitches but if anyone sees anything wonky, let me know. The sheer size of this baby makes me feel like I couldn't catch everything. There's a whole bunch of work by a whole passel of folks I'm honored to include in our birthday issue Enjoy!


Unknown said...

i read as much as I can, I have sleep so I can work tomorrow!!!

Everything looks great, what an excellent assortment of writers you have put together!

Proud to be there,

michi said...

what an issue, kristy! wow. i am not even halfway through yet, but loving it. i am thrilled to be part of it.

thanks for all your work.


SarahJane said...

Hello Kristy -
I'm also enjoying All Alice.
I sent you an email about my poem - there is a slight wonkiness in the formatting! sent it to the wickedalicepoetry address.
cheers, sarah